
検索キーワード「高町なのは detonation」に一致する投稿を表示しています

高町なのは reflection 138606-高町なのは reflection

Submit Corrections Thanks to Dh, Jor for correcting these lyrics Writer(s) Wilder Matthew, Zippel David Joel This song was recorded as a debut single of Christina Aguilera for the animated film "Mulan" (1998) The DVD version of "Mulan" contains a Spanish translation of this song and its music video as a bonus Matthew Wilder, oneName Commandment of Reflection Skill Id EnchantmentOfReflectionWhenHit4 Icon Cast Time 1s Level Req 75 Attack Speed 100% Effectiveness of Added Damage 100%Reflection involves being evenhanded, or balanced in judgement This means taking everything into account, not just the most obvious Clarity Reflection can bring greater clarity, like seeing events reflected in a mirror This can help at any stage of planning, carrying out and reviewing activities Understanding Reflection is about learning and understanding on a deeper level This 魔法少女リリカルなのは Reflection 公式サイト 高町なのは reflection